Thursday, February 4, 2010

Red Bull Rising

It is no secret that I set great store by our boots on the ground warrior writers/bloggers. I recently found Red Bull Rising.

Our No-Bull Purposes:
To explain in plain language the roles, responsibilities, and routines
of the U.S. citizen-soldier, with particular focus
on the U.S. 34th "Red Bull" Infantry Division
and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF).

To illuminate ways in which citizen-soldiers past and present,
as well as their families, can be remembered, supported, and celebrated.

A recent column there:
02 February 2010

Why I Love Army Life

Sherpa realizes he hasn't been bringing the funny much recently. Instead, he's been heartfelt and reflective. I cannot allow this to continue.

So, in celebration of being back on "indefinite temporary full-time stateside military duty" as of yesterday, I thought I'd share with you some of My Favorite Things about Army Life:

- You never have to dither over what to wear in the morning.

- There is always coffee. Not necessarily good coffee, but there is coffee. Coffee that you can chew.

- Provided you don't spill coffee on yourself, the daily maintenance of the digital sage-green-and-tan Army Combat Uniform (ACU) is pretty minimal--there's no more spit-shining your boots anymore, or pressing and starching your uniforms. Of course, you do have to wash the ACU in Woolite, but that's weekly maintenance, not daily.

- Gore-Tex desert boots are nice and toasty, if not exactly slip-resistant.

- The Army cattle-prods you into doing regular physical training (PT), but also gives you the time during your duty day in which to do it.

- People are generally friendly, and focused on solving problems, rather than on creating them. I cannot say this of every place I have ever worked...

There is more. Get over here, and read. Be sure to check back often.

Thank YOU for your service.

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