Monday, November 30, 2009

Winter Messages to our Troops

An important message about an easy way to send messages of support to our troops. I just re-found this in my inbox (yes, I am always playing catch-up!) but seems to me, this is good for any time of year.

From Sponsor the Troops:
Can you take a few minutes to type out a message to deployed troops? What kind of message? Well, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza are all coming up. It’s a tough time for the Troops since they are so far from home, friends and family. A warm holiday message with thanks for their serving, any words of your own to assure them that strangers here in the states care about them, to let them know we are thinking about them and want them to know we support them and haven’t forgotten them over the holidays.

You can sign just your first name with your city and state; OR, you can include your snail mail or email addy. A bunch of us have heard from troops we didn't even know who read our message in the newsletter. I recently got an email from a troop that is home, but she remembered our newsletter and how much it meant, so she wrote to thank me. They are so grateful that strangers took time to send them a message.

Sponsor The Troops is a non-profit org so as part of its tax exempt status it can't mention any particular politics or religion. That doesn't mean you can't say "I'll be praying for you and hoping God watches over you", or words to that effect.

This is so important for the morale of our troops…to know that YOU give a damn about them. PLEASE send a message! The goal is to have many messages as soon as possible so the newsletter can be assembled in time to be mailed to troops for the Holidays. As I did in July, I’ll compile the newsletter and send you a copy in a PDF file so you can share it with any troops you are writing to, or put it in a package you send.

If you are a procrastinator like me, then just do it right now while you are on the computer reading this. Believe me you will help many troops smile because this will be passed around to their friends and fellow Troops.
Feel free to share this message with your family and friends and encourage them to participate.
I need your reply by November 13th. Just type it into an email; and send it to:
Jane Conrad
Improving Morale One Card, Letter or Care Package at a Time.

Yes, I know it is overdue on that November 13 deadline I seem to have procrastination down to a fine art - but I am SURE Christmas messages are being accepted.

For more on the work Sponsor the Troops does, go here.

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