Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Imagine the Potential

The site this is on? Says this:

The Super Bowl Commercial You Won't See

Super Bowl 2009 Photo

by Marcia Segelstein

That wonderful pro-life Obama commercial you may have seen here recently was supposed to run during the Super Bowl on Sunday. After first accepting it, NBC apparently changed its collective mind, saying it wasn't going to run advocacy ads during the big game.

Brian Burch, President of Fidelis, a Chicago-based Catholic organization responsible for the commercial, says that NBC initially responded positively and he was raising money to pay for it. Watch the commercial below, and imagine the impact it could have had on the millions who watch the Super Bowl. (here)

Forty seconds that says what a million sound bites and flowery political rhetoric cannot. 'Nuff said.

H/T Lori

1 comment:

Findalis said...

I don't see what was wrong with it. It was a lovely sentiment.