Sunday, September 6, 2009

Opponents of health...reform...well-financed forces

From my 'friend' Mitch at Organising for America. He wants to beat back the evil opponents of "health insurance reform," $25 at a time.:

Opponents of health insurance reform have power. Some reap huge profits from the statusquo. Others take large campaign contributions from those who profit.

So they'll do anything to keep the current system in place. When fact-based arguments don't work, they attack President Obama with outlandish lies about a government takeover and euthanizing the elderly. And once that doesn't work, they'll go even further.

We don't know what they'll do next. What we do know is that we'll have to be prepared for anything -- ready to set the record straight, ready to make sure the media and Congress see the overwhelming support for reform, and ready to pass real reform this year.

But we'll need the resources to do it -- to pay for rapid-response ads in key districts and states, organizers to put together large rallies and grassroots events throughout the country, and the best technology available to empower volunteers -- all at a moment's notice. Please chip in $25 or more to help us pass real reform, this year.

This was never going to be easy. As candidate Obama said just three days before the election: "Don't think for a moment that power will concede without a fight." Now, we're seeing how true that really is.

These same well-financed forces have killed reform in the past, and they're aiming to do it again.

But here's why this time can be different: There are folks like you, all around the country, who are ready to go toe-to-toe with the special interests, even when they're not fighting fair.

And we'll keep at it, because we know that the work we're doing together right now can make the lives of hundreds of millions better for decades to come.

But we need your help to keep it up. Please donate $25 or more to help beat the special interests:

There's too much at stake for any of us to sit this one out. Please chip in.



Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Who ARE these people who are reaping huge profits from the status quo? Not anybody I know. The only reality here is that STILL they are trying to get more of your hard earned dollars. Check.

1 comment:

Doc said...

Calling the Double Standard Clause on this one:

"But we'll need the resources to do it -- to pay for rapid-response ads in key districts and states, organizers to put together large rallies and grassroots events throughout the country, and the best technology available to empower volunteers -- all at a moment's notice."

Isn't this the EXACT thing that the Dems have been complaining about the Reps doing to their town halls? I also find it kinda ironic that a democratic group called "Organizing for America" is condeming the same tactics it uses being used by the Reps.

Oh, I forgot, when dems do it - its "grassroots", when Reps do it is "astroturfing."