Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday Hero

Anthony Seirafi & Ricsi
Anthony Seirafi and Ricsi
 U.S. Marines Marine Corps Police Department Officer Anthony Seirafi, a dog handler with MCPD’s K-9 unit aboard Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow calls out for intruders with his dog, Ricsi, during a training exercise Nov. 9. Handlers train on a daily basis with their dogs to maximize the efficiency of their work aboard the base.
Photo courtesy of U.S. Marines taken by Cpl. T. Allen Bricke These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wreaths Across America

Wreaths Across America is a nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Maine businessman, Morrill Worcester, in 1992.
National Wreaths Across America Remembrance Ceremony- December 15, 2012; 12 Noon EST

Wreaths Across America mission:

Our mission, Remember, Honor, Teach, is carried out in part by coordinating wreath laying ceremonies on the second Saturday of December at Arlington, as well as veterans’ cemeteries and other locations in all 50 states and beyond. We also organize a week of events including international veteran’s tributes, ceremonies at State Houses and a week-long “Veteran’s Parade” between Maine and Virginia where we stop along the way to spread our message about the importance of remembering our fallen heroes, honoring those who serve, and teaching our children about the sacrifices made by veterans and their families to preserve our freedoms.
This week of events is made possible by thousands of volunteers who organize local ceremonies, raise funds to sponsor wreaths, and participate in the events. We receive no government funding. The cost of our programs is paid by individual wreaths sponsors, corporate donors and volunteer truckers.
We also coordinate veteran services and recognition through a variety of programs, and provide schools with teaching aides for projects throughout the year.
Click here to get involved.

Go here to find a location near YOU.

Always remember. Always honour.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday Hero

Seaman 1st Class James R. Ward
Seaman 1st Class James R. Ward 20 years old from Springfield, Ohio USS Oklahoma September 10, 1921 - December 7, 1941 U.S. Navy This past Friday marked the 71 anniversary of the attack at Pearl Harbor. One of the ships that was destroyed in the attack was the battleship USS Oklahoma. On board the Oklahoma was a young man by he name of James Richard Ward who had only enlisted in the Navy a little more than a year before. When the attack happened, the Oklahoma was hit by three torpedoes and began to list dangerously. It quickly became apparent that she would capsize. The order was given to abandon ship. However, Ward stayed in his turret holding a flashlight so his fellow sailors could escape. He didn't make it out. For his actions that day, Sea1c Ward was posthumously awarded the Medal Of Honor: For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and complete disregard of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. When it was seen that the U.S.S. Oklahoma was going to capsize and the order was given to abandon ship, Ward remained in a turret holding a flashlight so the remainder of the turret crew could see to escape, thereby sacrificing his own life. He was also honored with the destroyer escort USS J. Richard Ward (DE-243) being named after him.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Monday, December 10, 2012

Jeni LeGon: Dancing through the heavens

From Victoria Times-Colonist:

African-American tap dancing legend Jeni LeGon dies in Vancouver at age 96

Video: Bring Him Home, Santa

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Because I love a parade!  From the MoD:

Family, friends and public welcome soldiers home from Afghanistan

3 Dec 12

Soldiers from 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards and the 1st Royal Tank Regiment have all taken part in homecoming parades in recent days, cheered on by family, friends and the public.

Soldiers parade through Warminster

Soldiers from 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment parade through Warminster town centre [Picture: Corporal Paul Morrison, Crown Copyright/MOD 2012]

On Friday, soldiers from 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment (3 YORKS) took part in a post-deployment parade through Warminster in Wiltshire.

This was an opportunity for the town to officially welcome home the battalion after its demanding but successful role as part of 12th Mechanized Brigade in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province on Operation HERRICK 16 between April and October 2012.

The Commanding Officer of 3 YORKS, Lieutenant Colonel Zac Stenning, said:

"We have seen considerable progress over the last six months.

"We undertook 3,300 patrols, 13 major operations, had 240 contacts with the enemy, and saw a 50 per cent reduction in violence in the area we were responsible for.

"Importantly there was a much greater increase in Afghans doing their own security which is what transition is all about.

Lieutenant Colonel Zac Stenning

Lieutenant Colonel Zac Stenning leads the soldiers of 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment through Warminster town centre [Picture: Corporal Paul Morrison, Crown Copyright/MOD 2012]

"The efforts this summer of the battalion and the collective efforts of the wider brigade certainly made a significant difference."

The parade was followed by a service at the Minster Church of St Denys with a role call and an act of remembrance for their nine fallen comrades.

As part of the service the town council granted the Freedom of Warminster to the battalion....

Read more here.  


Wednesday Hero

Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth Vargas
Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth Vargas U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Kenneth Vargas, disaster preparedness officer for Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southeast, dressed in authentic Choctaw clothing, plays a Choctaw flute during a luncheon. 
The Native American Heritage celebration was hosted by Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU) 202 Detachment Jacksonville.
Photo courtesy U.S. Navy taken by Matt Simons These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Syria: Obama issues "stern warning"

Yeah, like that'll work!  As Assad has continued to murder innocent civilians for the last eighteen months, we have heard and seen Hillary and the MIC tell him to "stop it! Stop it right now, or we'll be angry."  In the wake of internet blackout in recent days - and nary a whisper from MIC -  now comes this:

From the Beeb:

Syria crisis: Nato in chemical weapons warning

Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has underlined US President Barack Obama's warning to the Syrian government not to use chemical weapons against its own people.

At a Nato foreign ministers' meeting in Brussels, Mr Rasmussen said their use would be "completely unacceptable".

The foreign ministers are expected to approve the deployment of Patriot anti-missile batteries to Turkey.
The move is designed to defend Turkey's border with Syria.

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Mr Rasmussen told reporters: "The possible use of chemical weapons would be completely unacceptable for the whole international community.

"If anybody resorts to these terrible weapons, then I would expect an immediate reaction from the international community."...

"Immediate reaction"?????????  You mean like more wagging of the finger.. Read the rest of this one here.. 

Syrian citizens continue to be murdered and from 1600?  SSDD.

Pay attention....

Monday, December 3, 2012

Canada Recalls Ambassadors and Condell talks "middle east peace"

Canada voted "No" at the UN vote last week to recognise Palestine as a non-member observer state (or something. ) One of only nine countries to have the balls to do so.  Canada is now recalling Ambassadors from the Middle East.

 From the National Post:

Ottawa to recall diplomats after Baird’s strong rebuke of Palestinian vote

 Kathryn Blaze Carlson | Nov 30, 2012

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird will meet as soon as early next week with the Canadian diplomats the federal government is recalling from Israel, the West Bank and the UN.

In an interview with the National Post, Mr. Baird said he will meet with those representatives in Ottawa for a frank discussion on Canada’s next move after Thursday’s UN vote that implicitly recognized a Palestinian state.

Despite widespread speculation, Mr. Baird said Canada is not considering breaking off relations with the Mahmoud Abbas’ Palestinian Authority and deferred questions about Canadian aid to International Cooperation Minister Julian Fantino.

“We want to get the advice and counsel of the representatives closest to the file,” Mr. Baird said in a telephone interview from New York, where he joined the United States and Israel in vehemently opposing the Palestinian bid Thursday. “We’re not looking at breaking off relations with the Palestinian Authority, but we do want to look at what we do going forward.”...

Much more here, and links to op/eds on this topic. 

As is well known, I don't agree on much that Harper and the Canadian government do, but I always agree with their support of Israel.  To me, supporting Israel IS the only moral choice, so any time Harper clearly shows Canadian support, they get my vote.

If anyone thinks that going along with the PA (ie Hamas) attempts for legitmacy on the world stage, as they continue to publicly - and loudly - state that their goal is to wipe Israel off the map, will promote peace in the region, they are deluding themselves.

Pat Condell (one of my favourite has these thoughts:
Go check out all the informative links Condell has, here.

Muslim bombs Arizona govt office - msm silence

From Jihad Watch:

Muslim bombs Arizona Social Security office with IED, media blackout ensues

All too typical. "UPDATED: Iraqi refugee arrested for bombing Arizona Social Security office with IED, media silence ensues," by Patrick Poole at PJ Media, December 2:

UPDATED (8:25p EDT): I just spoke again with my contact in the FBI Phoenix field office (who is not authorized to speak on behalf of the FBI office) that it is highly unlikely that Aldosary will be charged with any terrorism offense. While they are internally treating it like a domestic terrorism investigation, including looking at if he had any help constructing the explosive device, the FBI is saying very little and and will prosecute this as a simple explosives and arson case because of “the political sensitivities involved”.

Original Post: The typically quiet town of Casa Grande, Arizona was rocked by an explosion at the local Social Security Administration office early Friday morning by what appears to an improvised explosive device (IED). No one was hurt in the explosion, which occurred shortly before the office was scheduled to open. The explosion was reportedly heard and felt all over the area.

While the little town of Casa Grande and the nearby Phoenix area is talking about the incident, virtually no one else is. In fact, the only reason I was following the story is because I’m presently in the area and saw the initial reports on the explosion and continued to look into it .

Within 90 minutes of the explosion police had a suspect in custody. But you wouldn’t know it from reading the establishment media reports this past weekend. One reason might be the suspect is 47 year-old Abdullatif Aldosary of Coolidge, AZ, an Iraqi refugee....

Yes, there is more here.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Sgt Danny Nightingale sentence suspended

Sgt Danny Nightingale WILL be home for Christmas.  I last wrote about Sgt Nightingale here:

Today comes an example of common sense - finally!

From the BBC:

SAS man Danny Nightingale has gun sentence suspended

Sgt Danny Nightingale  
The pistol was given to Nightingale as a present, his supporters say
An SAS soldier detained for 18 months for illegally possessing a pistol and ammunition has won his freedom at the Court of Appeal.

Sgt Danny Nightingale, 37, from Crewe, admitted possessing the 9mm Glock pistol and 338 rounds of ammunition at a court martial earlier this month.

Judges at the Court of Appeal reduced Nightingale's sentence to 12 months.

However, they suspended the sentence and said he could be released immediately.

The weapons and ammunition were recovered by police from Nightingale's Army accommodation near Hereford. 

Nightingale's wife Sally, 38, cried when the verdict was delivered and when asked if she was "thrilled" she nodded....

Much more here.  

WELCOME HOME, Sgt, and Merry Christmas to the Nightingale family......

UPDATED (2) : Sgt Danny Nightingale: SAS Hero sent to jail as criminal

UPDATE 2:  SAS man Danny Nightingale challenges gun conviction

Stay tuned...

Those of us who watch and support our Military (on both sides of the Atlantic) are very familiar with the governments of our country throwing our Troops into jail under absurd circumstances.  We have seen, all too often, our Troops charged and convicted after they have laid their lives on the line for us, despite serving under Rules of Engagement which empower our enemies. .

Sgt Danny Nightingale of Britain is the latest, and what is happening to him is a travesty.   

From The Telegraph:

SAS war hero jailed after 'betrayal'

An SAS soldier has been jailed for possessing a “war trophy” pistol presented to him by the Iraqi Army for outstanding service.

Betrayal of an SAS war hero
Sgt Danny Nightingale with his wife Sally on their wedding day and, right, on duty Photo: WARREN SMITH
Sgt Danny Nightingale, a special forces sniper who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, was sentenced to 18 months in military detention by a court martial last week. 

His sentence was described last night as the “betrayal of a war hero”, made worse because it was handed down in the run-up to Remembrance Sunday. 

Sgt Nightingale had planned to fight the charge of illegally possessing the 9mm Glock. 

But his lawyer said he pleaded guilty after being warned that he could otherwise face a five-year sentence.

The soldier had hoped for leniency given the circumstances. At the court martial, even the prosecution described him as a serviceman of exemplary character, who had served his country for 17 years, 11 in the special forces. 

The court was told that he returned to Britain in a hurry after two friends were killed in Iraq, leaving his equipment — including the pistol — to be packed up by colleagues.

For more of the background details - and links for more on the story - on what his wife Sally calls (and I agree) "a disgrace" go here.

There is a petition to demand the release of Sgt Nightingale from jail, and return him to his family.  

It states:

It is a betrayal of an exemplary member of HM armed forces. The circumstances of this case (war trophy overlooked in the haste of battle preparation) in no way warrant a custodial sentence.

Please go sign it and stand with him in the face of this betrayal.  

Update:  There are FaceBook pages springing up to show support of this SAS Hero.  THIS seems to be the one with the most uptodate information, and a place to see what is being done. 

Interview with Sally Nightingale here.

Ceasefire? What ceasefire? PA Terrorism continues

From Israel National News:

PA Arab Road Terror Attacks Foiled by IDF

Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists are continuing road terror attacks on Israelis, although rocket fire is now banned.
By Chana Ya'ar
11/28/2012, 1:17 PM
Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists are continuing road terror attacks on Israelis, although rocket fire is now banned due to the ceasefire agreement between Israel and Gaza terrorists.

The deal, which ended Israel's eight-day Operation Pillar of Defense counter terror offensive in the region, was brokered by Egypt and the United States last week with Gaza's ruling Hamas terrorist organization. It eased security restrictions on Gaza residents, extending maritime fishing limits to six nautical miles from the shore and loosening controls on the land crossings into the region. 

The ceasefire had no effect on what has become an increase in the number of road terror attacks in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem restored to the capital in the 1967 Six Day War, however.
IDF soldiers discovered a bomb Wednesday morning planted along a road southwest of Shechem (Nablus) in the Shomron (Samaria) region.

Sappers who were called to the scene defused the explosive, preventing it from causing any injuries or damage. The perpetrator who planted the bomb has not yet been caught.

In a second terror attack, an Arab gang hurled rocks and firebombs at Israeli motorists traveling along the same road a short while later. The driver and passengers were not injured, and the vehicle was reportedly not damaged.

On Tuesday, PA Arabs hurled firebombs at a military vehicle north of Hevron, in Judea. No one was injured and no damage was reported. IDF soldiers fanned out to search the area for the attackers.

A 60-year-old woman was seriously wounded in a rock-and-firebomb attack recently near the city of Beitar Illit, located just south of Jerusalem, also in Judea.

The number of road terror attacks has been on the rise over the past year, parallelling the number of Muslim extremist leaders inciting PA Arabs on the street and calling for a "Third Intifada."

(c)  INN

Meanwhile, Canada will not support Palestinian bid at UN:

From Vancouver Sun:
 Stephen Harper confirms Canada will vote 'no' on recognition of Palestine at UN
November 28, 2012
By Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian Press

Palestinians hold a Palestinian flag and a poster of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper superimposed with a face of a dog during a protest following his remarks about the Palestinian UN bid for an observer state status, in front of Canadian representative offices in the West bank city of Ramallah, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012. Harper has threatened \"there will be consequences\" if Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas does not end his campaign for the Palestinian Authority to be recognized by the UN as a non-member observer state. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)
Palestinians hold a Palestinian flag and a poster of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper superimposed with a face of a dog during a protest following his remarks about the Palestinian UN bid for an observer state status, in front of Canadian representative offices in the West bank city of Ramallah, Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2012. Harper has threatened "there will be consequences" if Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas does not end his campaign for the Palestinian Authority to be recognized by the UN as a non-member observer state. (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)
OTTAWA - Canada affirmed its steadfast opposition to Thursday's vote at the United Nations to confer statehood on Palestine, saying it would not support any "shortcuts" to peace with Israel.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper confirmed the decision on Wednesday with Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird bound for New York to cast Ottawa's vote and register Canada's disappointment with the latest Palestinian move at the UN for recognition.

The Harper government's support of its close friend Israel was unbowed by reports that its trusted international ally, Britain, had offered to abstain from the vote in return for a pledge from the Palestinian Authority to return to the negotiating table with the Israelis.


Harper said Canada favours a two-state solution in the Middle East which requires the Palestinian authority to return to the bargaining table for talks with Israel.

Much more here.

Iran calls Canada 'racist'! Really

From JihadWatch:

Iran blasts Canada as "racist" for pointing out its human rights abuses

And used the opportunity to spread a bit more antisemitic propaganda at the UN, as if there weren't enough there already. It's interesting to note how remarkably similar Mohammad Khazaee sounds to spokesmen for Islamic supremacist groups in the U.S.: the same ridiculous "racism" charge, the same tu quoque, the same claiming of victim status, the same demonizing of Israel. Is Khazaee taking lessons from Hussam Ayloush?
"Iran blasts Canada as ‘racist’ and ‘self-centred’ for moving UN resolution condemning Islamic Republic’s abuses," by Kathryn Blaze Carlson for the National Post, November 28:

Iran called Canada “racist” and “self-centred” at a UN meeting on Tuesday, where it tried to deflect criticism of its own human rights record and balked at a Canadian-led resolution condemning Iranian abuses.

In a statement before the humanitarian affairs committee, Iran’s ambassador to the UN said Canada had “a long list of human rights violations” against immigrants, Muslims, aboriginals and “Afro-Canadian women,” and accused Ottawa of “abusing human rights mechanisms to advance its self-centred political interests.”

“In fact, if any country had to get a resolution, [Canada] would have deserved it more than others because of their unsparing support of a regime [Israel] that has frequently committed genocide in the Palestinian Occupied Territories,” Mohammad Khazaee said in a statement to the UN committee, obtained by the National Post....


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday Hero

Fisher House Foundation
Fisher House Foundation The Fisher House Foundation is a great charity that offers free housing for families of wounded service members to stay in while their loved one recuperates. The Fisher House Foundation was start in 1990 and has a least one house at every major military medical center. Since there is no cost to the families they rely on donations to continue operating. So, please, head over to their site and check them out. And if you're able to, please make a donation.
These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Canadians, Americans hosted by 7 SCOTS

From MoD:

Scottish Reserves host Canadian and American troops

A Training and Adventure news article

27 Nov 12
Army reservists from 7th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (7 SCOTS) hosted a joint training exercise with Canadian and American troops in the Scottish Highlands.

An Army Reserves officer speaks to his US Army counterpart
An Army Reserves officer from 7th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland speaks to his US Army counterpart from 48th Infantry Brigade during Exercise Highland Spirit
[Picture: Mark Owens, Crown Copyright/MOD 2012]

Around 50 soldiers from the 48th Highlanders of Canada and the 48th Infantry Brigade Combat Team from the United States took part in 'Exercise Highland Spirit', a military training exercise to strengthen the partnership between the troops and hone their military skills.

Major Richard Barker, 7 SCOTS, said:

"The aim of the exercise was to expose troops to their counterparts from allied nations in order to give them training experience for operations and to increase their understanding and awareness of training procedures."

The exercise took place on the Wyvis Training Area near Evanton in Easter Ross to test the soldiers' skills on the challenging rough terrain of the Scottish Highlands.

More drones in the American skies

From Homeland Security NewsWire:

U.S. skies may soon be open to drones 

27 November 2012 

Unmanned drones are cheaper than manned aircraft and can be used in a variety of ways, such as assessing environmental threats and damage from natural disaster, tracking criminals trying to escape on a highway, and assessing wildfires; according to an FAA prediction, 30,000 drones could be flying in the United States in less than twenty years; lawmakers and privacy advocates want the use of these drones more tightly regulated.

The U.S. government is attempting to open up the sky for drone use all over the nation. The sixty members House of Representatives’ Drone Caucus have pushed the agenda, and over the last four years caucus members have raised almost $8 million in drone-related campaign contributions.

The Houston Chronicle reports that theFederal Aviation Administration (FAA) is swamped with applications from police departments, universities, private corporations, and even celebrity tabloid site TMZ seeking to use a wide range of drones for everything from law enforcement to weather mapping to stalking celebrities.

Drone use in the United States began with aerial patrols of the Mexican Border Patrol authorities. Since then the drone industry, along with law enforcement, have demanded more drone use, which led to provisions in the FAA Modernization and Reform Act which was signed into law in February....

More here

Ehud Barak retires

From War On Terror News:

Israel MapIsraeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak is quitting politics.
In a surprise move Monday, Barak announced he will not run in the country's January elections, but will stay in his post until a new government is formed.

The 70-year-old Barak, who is also a former prime minister, said he has “exhausted dealing with political life” and wants to spend more time with his family.  He also said he wanted to make room for others to serve in leadership positions.

More here.

Monday, November 26, 2012

WELCOME HOME 1st Royal Tank Regiment

From MoD:

1st Royal Tank Regiment takes part in homecoming parade in Glasgow

A History and Honour news article

26 Nov 12
The people of Glasgow turned out in force on Saturday to welcome home around 100 soldiers from D Squadron of the 1st Royal Tank Regiment (1 RTR).

 Soldiers from D Squadron, 1st Royal Tank Regiment, parade through Glasgow
[Picture: Mark Owens, Crown Copyright/MOD 2012]

The soldiers took part in the homecoming parade in Glasgow on Saturday 24 November 2012 to mark their recent return from operations in Afghanistan.

1 RTR deployed to Afghanistan throughout 2012 and took on a variety of roles during the deployments. The Regimental Headquarters filled a number of positions throughout Helmand province, from support roles in Camp Bastion to key staff roles in the Brigade Headquarters. Other roles included training the Afghan Local Police.

The Commanding Officer of 1 RTR, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Britton, said:

"I am extremely proud of what the regiment achieved in Afghanistan. The soldiers make many sacrifices to fulfil their role, and recognition of that by those at home is deeply appreciated. It means a great deal to the soldiers and their families."

Glasgow's Lord Provost, Sadie Docherty, in her capacity as Lord-Lieutenant, took the salute at the parade in George Square.

She said:

"One of the honours I have as Lord-Lieutenant is taking the salute at homecoming parades. It is always a privilege to welcome our brave men and women serving in conflicts across the globe. I am delighted that all of D Squadron have made it home safe and sound in time for Christmas with friends and family."

The 1st Royal Tank Regiment is based at RAF Honington in Suffolk and recruits from Scotland and the North West of England. The majority of soldiers come from Liverpool and Glasgow.


WELCOME HOME and thank you all..

War is over? Not so fast

"War is over"  and our Troops are all coming home.  Sounds great, doesn't it, and who wouldn't love it as all our Troops are home and peace breaks out around the world?

Not so fast.  From War On Terror News:

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012

Peter King - champion against Muslim Terrorism - stepping down as chairman of DHS

From Long Island Newsday:

King to give up Homeland Security chairmanship

Rep. Peter King.
Photo credit: Newsday / Karen Wiles Stabile | Rep. Peter King. 

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) said Thursday that he will have to give up his post as chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee next year because of his party's term-limit rule.
King said he's already overstayed the rule's six-year limit -- he's been the committee's top Republican for more than seven years, after first taking the gavel in September 2005.

Come January, King will lose the "bully pulpit" he used to help keep 9/11 plotter Khalid Sheik Muhammad's trial out of Manhattan, keep Guantanamo Bay's prison open, and draw worldwide attention and controversy with hearings on American Muslims and terrorism.

"It was the greatest experience I've ever had," King said. "I'm very satisfied. As far as I'm concerned, I achieved everything I set out to do."

As King steps down, the New York congressional delegation not only loses its only committee chairman in the House, but a member among GOP leadership who fought to keep federal homeland security money flowing to New York at a time of federal budget cuts.

But the committee also loses a chairman who became a lightning rod for criticism, particularly from liberal and Muslim groups, for his hearings on American Muslims and terror.

Farhana Khera, executive director of the lawyer's group Muslim Advocates, said she "breathed a sigh of relief" at the news. She said King's hearings were a "witch hunt" that sowed "fear and hatred towards American Muslims."

But Frank Cilluffo, director of the Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University, said, "King poured his heart and soul into his job as chairman."...

More here.

Thank you for your vigilance, Mr King...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday Hero

This Post Was Suggested By Michael
Pfc. Charles George
Pfc. Charles George 20 years old Cherokee, North Carolina Company C, 179th Infantry Regiment, 
45th Infantry Division August 23, 1932 - November 30, 1952 U.S. Army The name Charles George may sound familiar to some. That's because last week it was reported that two boys in New York were at a local antique shop looking for G.I. Joe's when they came across a number of military medals, Medal Of Honor, a Purple Heart, a bronze star and good conduct award, bearing the name Charles George. From Pfc. George's Medal Of Honor citation: Pfc. George, a member of Company C, distinguished himself by conspicuous gallantry and outstanding courage above and beyond the call of duty in action against the enemy on the night of November 30, 1952. He was a member of a raiding party committed to engage the enemy and capture a prisoner for interrogation. Forging up the rugged slope of the key terrain feature, the group was subjected to intense mortar and machine gun fire and suffered several casualties. Throughout the advance, he fought valiantly and, upon reaching the crest of the hill, leaped into the trenches and closed with the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. When friendly troops were ordered to move back upon completion of the assignment, he and 2 comrades remained to cover the withdrawal. While in the process of leaving the trenches a hostile soldier hurled a grenade into their midst. Pfc. George shouted a warning to 1 comrade, pushed the other soldier out of danger, and, with full knowledge of the consequences, unhesitatingly threw himself upon the grenade, absorbing the full blast of the explosion. Although seriously wounded in this display of valor, he refrained from any outcry which would divulge the position of his companions. The 2 soldiers evacuated him to the forward aid station and shortly thereafter he succumbed to his wound. Pfc. George's indomitable courage, consummate devotion to duty, and willing self-sacrifice reflect the highest credit upon himself and uphold the finest traditions of the military service
You can read more here and here These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Video: Standing Strong and True (For Tomorrow)

on Nov 3, 2010 "Standing Strong and True (For Tomorrow)," is an all-star Canadian country single dedicated to fallen Canadian soldiers and their families.

for more info:

Music video Produced by Fahrenheit Films. Director/Editor: Antonio Hrynchuk. Cinematographer: Ray Dumas. Producers: Hrynchuk / Susan Busse.

Monday, November 19, 2012

NYC subway bomb plotter: GONE!

From Homeland Security NewsWire:

NYC bomb plotter sentenced to life

Published 19 November 2012
Adis Medunjanin, a 34-year old Bosnian-born U.S. citizen has been sentenced to life in prison for his role in a plot to bomb the New York subway; he was convicted in May of multiple U.S. terrorism offences, including conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction; two former schoolmates who helped Medunjanin to plan the attack had pleaded guilty and testified against him

Adis Medunjanin, sentenced to life in prison // Source:

The three men were trained by al Qaeda in Pakistan before agreeing to participate in the plot.
The attack was planned to coincide around the eighth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, but was foiled when the three noticed that law enforcement officials were following them...

The New York Times reports that Medunjanin, during his appearing at a U.S. court in New York, read from the Koran in Arabic for several minutes before Judge John Gleeson interrupted and asked him whether he intended to say anything in English. Medunjanin asked for more time to finish one verse, then shifted into a critique of American foreign policy.

He also maintained his innocence, saying he had “nothing to do with any subway plot or bombing plot whatsoever.”

Judge Gleeson told Medunjanin his remarks made him appear like an robotic “exhibit” of extremism, and had created “the impression that you’re asking me to sentence you like the committed, anti-American jihadist you seem to want to be for the rest of your life.”...

Read the rest here.


Video: Israeli Hospitals "Bridge to Peace'

Israel once again is being portrayed in the worldwide msm as the murderous aggressors in the current war in the middle east.

Most headlines these days begin with something like "Israel kills innocent civilians in Gaza..."and buried way down comes a comment (maybe) that today an Israeli school was deliberately targetted - fortunately the school was closed, so no children were injured.  This time.

Meanwhile, The Jerusalem Post reports:

Israel’s hospitals continue to treat Gazan patients

11/19/2012 05:25

Rambam dir.-gen.: It’s absurd that we are doing this at the same time Israelis are being attacked, but there is no other way.


Israeli hospitals are treating dozens of patients of all ages who came to Israel from Gaza to get healthcare unavailable there, and are making provisions for accompanying persons.


“We at Rambam Medical Center are taking care of sick children and adults, and we are not looking at their religion or where they come from. At the moment, we have four – a baby girl in the nephrology department, two children in oncology and an adult in urology,” Rambam director-general Prof. Rafael Beyar said.

“Family members accompanied them,” he said. “It’s absurd that we are doing this at the same time Israelis are being attacked, but there is no other way. We are used to it. We are very far from politics....”


 Read the rest here.

Amid the ongoing  misinformation that always accompanies anything to do with Israel, Steven Crowder produces a video that has the history of Israel in just over 3 minutes.  Take a look:

Nov 15, 2012 by
(H/T Twitchy)

Bond, James Bond at Camp Bastion

From the Beeb:

James Bond star Daniel Craig visits Camp Bastion troops

Daniel Craig (l) at Camp Bastion  
Craig fired machine guns used by UK forces
James Bond star Daniel Craig has surprised UK troops at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan by coming to visit them as they prepared to watch his latest film. 

Some 800 soldiers, sailors and airmen were waiting for a screening of Skyfall when the 007 star arrived.

Craig was given a tour of the camp after a brief introduction of the latest Bond film to the audience.

He met soldiers and saw some of the training they undergo before they deploy to forward operating bases.
The star was driven around the camp in a Foxhound vehicle by Warrant Officer Class 1 Rob Ingham.

"We get quite a lot of visitors here, but having James Bond was special," said WO1 Ingham...


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Netanyahu: We will... do everything necessary to defend our citizens

From Homeland Security NewsWire:

Israel kills Hamas top military leader, destroys Hamas Fajar missiles 

 14 November 2012

In a precise targeted attack early Wednesday, the Israel Defense Force (IDF) killed Ahmad Jabari, the top military leader of Hamas; Jabari ran the organization’s armed wing, called the Izz el-Deen Al-Qassam; in a separate attack, Jabari’s deputy, Raed al-Atar, was also killed; the Israeli early morning strikes also included attacks on about twenty or so targets across the Gaza Strip. these attacks inflicted a heavy blow on Hamas’s military capabilities by destroying most of Hamas’s most threatening weapons – the mid-range Fajar missiles Hamas received from Iran and with which the organization could attack Tel Aviv and other cities in central Israel.
Half a dozen other top military leaders of Hamas were attacked, but there is no news about their fate.
Jabari was considered the most important strategist of Hamas, and he is credited with innovating the organization’s approach to its war with Israel.

Among other things, Jabari was behind the kidnapping of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who was held prisoner for five years before being exchanged earlier this year for  a few hundreds Palestinian terrorists in Israeli jails....

Much more here. 

Statement by PM Netanyahu on Operation Pillar of Defense to Israeli Public 
14 November 2012
Citizens of Israel,

I want to praise the IDF soldiers and commanders, led by Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Benny Gantz , who is commanding the operation as we speak. I want to note the Israel Security Agency, headed by Director Yoram Cohen, for their vital part in the operational accomplishments that we have already achieved. I thank the citizens of Israel for their unwavering support of this operation. I thank the residents of southern Israel who are at the front, and exhibit strength and restraint.

Hamas and the terror organizations decided to escalate their attacks on the citizens of Israel over the last few days. We will not accept a situation in which Israeli citizens are threatened by the terror of rockets. No country would accept this, Israel will not accept it.

Today, we hit Hamas strategic targets precisely. We have significantly debilitated their ability to launch rockets from Gaza to the center of Israel, and we are now working to disable their ability to launch rockets towards the south. The terrorist organizations - Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others - are deliberately harming our citizens, while intentionally hiding behind their citizens. On the other hand, we avoid harming civilians as much as possible and that is one fundamental difference between us. It also indicates the big difference between our objectives, and not only in our methods. They want to obliterate us from the face of the earth and they have no qualms about hurting civilians and innocents.

Today, we sent an unequivocal message to Hamas and the other terror organizations, and if need be the IDF is prepared to expand the operation. We will continue to do everything necessary to defend our citizens."


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Video: Teach your children - hatred

Palestinian 'victim-hood' is well documented.  What is also well known is the goal of Israel's neighbours to paint that nation as blood-thirsty killers, only worthy of total annihilation.

Another video has surfaced and is going the rounds showing clearly how the Palestinians are at the mercy of those big bad Israeli Soldiers.  Take a look.

Nov 6, 2012 by
This video, filmed in Nabi Saleh this past Friday, shows Palestinians parents pressing their children to provoke IDF soldiers -- a side of the demonstrations not usually talked about, despite it being a frequent occurrence.

From Israeli Soldier's Mother:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

If This Were MY Child....

I don't know what I would do other than be deeply ashamed. Certainly, these children are further examples of the manipulation of their society; mere objects to be videotaped as they play their role.

I am proud of our soldiers in this video - deeply proud that they were able to smile. I loved their smiles; I loved their laughing. These children represent so much of what is wrong with Palestinians society.

  • So-called adults using their children, hiding behind them.
  • The inability to talk - rather to shout and scream.
  • The antagonism - blind hatred in the face of nothing. These soldiers are just standing there...throughout.
  • Hostility and violence - the only time the soldiers come close to reacting is when the children come close to their guns. They take their ranting, screaming, hysterics. They even take being pushed around a bit.
And through it all, they realize that this is a show put on for the cameras....

She goes on to say that some are trying to get this video banned, but as I show above, the IDF posted this copy.

 As long as children are taught to behave and think as these are being taught, there will be no peace. 

Wednesday Hero

This Post Was Suggested By Greta
Cpl. George Smith
Cpl. George Smith 90 years old from Sundance, New Mexico June 15, 1922 - October 31, 2012 U.S. Marines There aren't many Code Talkers left so it's a true tragedy when we lose one. George Smith joined the United States Marines when he was 17, after lying about his age, becoming one of three brothers in his family to do so. He was trained as a rifleman then as a Code Talker serving in a Pacific. He was honorably discharged in 1946.
You can read more on George Smith here These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
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