Medevac pilot reflects on his Cherokee heritage
Capt. Eric Doe, a native of Long Island, N.Y., poses for a portrait at Fort Bragg, N.C., while he served with Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, as an aeromedical evacuation pilot.
US Forces Afghanistan
Staff Sgt Whitney Houston
Capt. Eric Doe, a Long Island, New York, native who serves as a battle captain and aeromedical evacuation pilot with Task Force Pale Horse, 82nd Combat Aviation Brigade, 82nd Airborne Division, is one of the approximately 22,000 Native Americans serving in today’s military and carrying on that tradition of service. Doe and his unit provide aerial over watch for three aviation task forces in Train Advise and Assist Commands East and South from Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan.
“My job is basically to manage the overall day-to-day aspects of Task Force Corsair, Task Force Talon, and Task Force Wolf Pack,” Doe said. “I need to understand what they’re doing so I can provide my commander oversight and situational awareness of what’s happening in theater, which enables them to make sound operational decisions in a timely manner. "
“It’s a pretty intense job. Twelve hours a day you’re focused and making sure nothing bad happens. If something bad does happen, you’re allocating the appropriate resources and getting players into the game.”
Doe’s experience flying on the battlefield has given him a sound knowledge of what it takes for the task forces to perform their Black Hawk missions in Afghanistan.
“What first struck me about Capt. Doe is how mission-oriented he is. He’s very thorough in what he does. He really cares about Soldiers and is very approachable. I have really enjoyed having him work for me,” said Maj. Caryn Butler, who serves as tactical operation center chief of operations with TF Pale Horse.
Occasionally, Doe will fill his additional duty as a medevac pilot, which was his primary duty on his first tour to Afghanistan in 2007. During that time at Jalalabad Airfield, he had a direct hand in saving lives on many occasions. ...
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