Saturday, January 17, 2009

Once upon a time...

THAT is going to be the title of an irregular series of mine. *Smiles*

Today, a Music and Me bonus (I KNOW you know this one, my #2 fan!!!)

Once upon a time, when I was a know-it-all teenager living in a land far, far away, THIS song was probably the first Motown I was aware of. I loved it then, and I still love it now. Can you hear me singing? Let me see you DANCING!

Those were the days.

And a BONUS bonus, just for "my girl"! Sing it with me, SJP!

HAPPY 50th, Motown!~ Rock ON!!!!!!!!!


Windy said...

Hey Brat #2 here.....REACH OUT FOR ME!! Did you see me dancing and hear me singing? Guess who was howling along with my vocals...rofl
Loved it Brat. Danka

The Brat said...

hahahahah I heard ya...and yes, LOVED the mooooooooves there..rofl...