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The Great Libyan Jihadist Garage Sale continues. Of all things, a Human Rights Watch official below is reportedly miffed at Obama's decision not to put ground troops into Libya, blaming it for allowing this situation to materialize. "Free for all: Up to 20,000 anti-aircraft missiles stolen in Libya," by Neal Munro for the Daily Caller, September 27:
A survey of weapon depots in Libya shows that up to 20,000 shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles are now missing, partly because President Barack Obama has refused to send troops to guard the weapons depots, according to a left-of-center advocate.“We were quite disappointed after talking to administration officials … that nothing more was done, even about the [storage] facilities in Tripoli, which are unsecured now,” said Peter Bouckaert, director of emergencies at left-of-centre group Human Rights Watch.‘“The major impediment [to action] is that the administration doesn’t want ‘boots on the ground,’” he said.“If these weapons get into the wrong hands, any civilian aircraft operating in the region will be threatened,” said Bouckaert, who has just returned from a visit to Libya. The missing missiles are Russian-made SA-7s and SA-16s: Shoulder-launched missiles that can home into the hot exhaust trails from civilian and military jets. The SA-16 is only five feet long and weighs just 24 pounds....
The missing missiles and other weaponry has gotten relatively little publicity, despite the danger posed to the U.S. and European and African countries. In October 2004, in contrast, the New York Times ignited a political scandal just days before the 2004 presidential election by publishing a front-page report claiming that a few hundred tons of explosives had been stolen by gunmen from the Iraq’s al Qa’qaa storage facility.
“I was in Iraq in 2003 and the amount of weaponry floating around in Libya is much greater than the anything we saw in Iraq,“ said Bouckaert.
Al Qaeda to Iranian president: enough with the 9/11 conspiracy theories
September 29, 2011.
Al Qaeda, in the latest edition of their online propaganda magazine Inspire, called on Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stop spreading conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks; the terrorist group called Ahmadinejad’s remarks about 9/11 "ridiculous"; last week in his address to the UN general assembly, Ahmadinejad said the "mysterious September 11 incident" had been used as a pretext to attack Afghanistan and Iraq; he added, "By using their imperialistic media network which is under the influence of colonialism, they threaten anyone who questions the Holocaust and the September 11 event with sanctions and military actions"; in response, al Qaeda wrote, "The Iranian government has professed on the tongue of its president Ahmadinejad that it does not believe that al-Qaida was behind 9/11 but rather, the US government"; "So we may ask the question: why would Iran ascribe to such a ridiculous belief that stands in the face of all logic and evidence?" the group asked...
27 September 2011
In the south and south west of Afghanistan, a team from the RAF is working with the US Marine Corps (USMC) on the daunting task of co-ordinating the use of some of the world’s busiest airspace.
Members of the RAF’s Aerospace Battle Management Team and the USMC Air Wing are colocated in a dusty, quiet and benign corner of sprawling Camp Leatherneck, a home from home for the US Marines serving in Helmand province.
Aerospace Battle Managers Corporal Bobby Howard, US Marine Corps, and Corporal Paddy Bonner, Royal Air Force, working together at Camp Leatherneck, Helmand province, southern Afghanistan. Picture: Sergeant Ross Tilly RAF, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011
The detachment is parented by the RAF’s 903 Expeditionary Air Wing, only a short drive into adjoining Camp Bastion; however, all of the UK’s Air Surveillance and Control System (ASACS) personnel live, work and socialise with their US Marine colleagues at Leatherneck, further enhancing their operational experience.
Men and women of the joint RAF and US Marine Corps Aerospace Battle Management Group at Camp Leatherneck [Picture: Sergeant Ross Tilly RAF, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011]
Report finds Texas border violence worsening
Published 29 September 2011
A recently released report concludes that violence from the Mexican government's war against the drug cartels is increasingly spreading into the United States; the report found that as the Mexican military cracks down further on drug cartels, these organizations have pushed further north into Texas to create a "sanitary zone".Mexican violence frequently spills over into U.S. border states // Source: julienews.it
A recently released report concludes that violence from the Mexican government’s war against the drug cartels is increasingly spreading into the United States.
“The U.S. border is increasingly insecure and farmers and ranchers are intimidated. Hundreds of people have been murdered on our side of the border,” said retired General Barry McCaffrey, one of the report’s co-authors.
The report, titled “Texas Border Security: A Strategic Military Assessment” and co-authored by retired General Robert Scales, found that as the Mexican military cracks down further on drug cartels, these organizations have pushed further north into Texas to create a “sanitary zone.”...
Yes, there is more here.
Norway: Three Muslims charged in plot against Motoons paper; they had "acquired bomb components and tried to buy a gun"
A society that accepts death as retribution for cartoons is morally, intellectually and ultimately materially impoverished. That is what is at stake in upholding freedom of speech against violent intimidation. An update on this story. "Norway charges three in terror plot over cartoons," from BBC News, September 27:
Prosecutors in Norway have charged three men with conspiracy to commit terrorism in connection with the 2005 Prophet Muhammad cartoon controversy.The three are accused of planning to attack Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard and the newspaper Jyllands-Posten, which published his cartoons.The men - of Iraqi Kurdish, Chinese Uighur and Uzbek origin - were arrested in Norway and Germany in 2010....
You just KNOW there is more here.
Pay attention!
Here's a release from the National Resource Directory, a rundown of some stand downs around the US for what's left of 2011:
Stand Downs Connect Homeless Veterans with Valuable Services. For some homeless Veterans, a Stand Down means a hot meal and a haircut.
For others, it’s a day that turns their life around. In times of war, a Stand Down means a break from the battles. For some Veterans who fought those battles and came home to fight other conflicts in their private lives, struggles that left them lost and homeless, a Stand Down can be a chance to embark on the road back to their lives. There is a Stand Down almost every week somewhere in America.
October 1, 2011
Latham, NY
Donna K. Vaughn
October 1-2, 2011
Libby, MT
John Davis
509-462-2500 ext. 4001
October 7, 2011
Bellevue, KY
Sally Hammitt
513-861-3100 ext. 3969
October 7, 2011
Billings, MT
Anthony Snell
October 7, 2011
Biloxi, MS
Susan Guillory
October 11, 2011
Charlotte, NC
Joe Rapley
October 11-13, 2011
Dixon, CA
Lori Bowley
October 12, 2011
Fargo, ND
Diana Hall
October 12-13, 2011
Detroit, MI
Linda Jones
October 13, 2011
Mobile, AL
Susan Guillory
October 13, 2011
Colorado Springs, CO
Jack Freeman
October 13-15, 2011
Chico, CA
Lori Bowley
October 15, 2011
Newark, NJ
Victor Carlson
October 15, 2011
Troutdale, OR
Don Weber
October 18, 2011
Farmington, MO
Kristina Bowlby
October 19, 2011
Cape Girardeau, MO
Kristina Bowlby
October 20, 2011
La Crosse, WI
Cindi Groskreutz
October 20, 2011
Sikeston, MO
Kristina Bowlby
October 20-23, 2011
Anderson, CA
Lori Bowley
October 21, 2011
Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Susan Guillory
October 21, 2011
Fayetteville, AR
Brian McAnally
October 21, 2011
Dallas, TX
Tammy Wood
October 21, 2011
Grand Junction, CO
Lisa Strauss
October 21, 2011
Austin, TX
Paula Wood
October 21, 2011
Dayton, OH
Kristina Walker
937-268-6511 ext. 2481
October 21-23, 2011
Fruitland, MD
Craig Cook
October 21-23, 2011
Huntsville, AL
Willie Fields
205-933-8101 ext. 6751
October 22, 2011
Titusville, FL
Heather Gallager
October 22, 2011
Lubbock, TX
Ginny Sartini
806-355-9703 ext. 7522
October 25, 2011
Poplar Bluff, MO
Kristina Bowlby
October 26, 2011
West Plains, MO
Kristina Bowlby
October 27, 2011
Paragould, AR
Kristina Bowlby
October 28, 2011
St. Cloud, MN
Carolyn Ramirez
320-252-1670 ext. 7190
October 29, 2011
Augsta, ME
Greg Skillman
207-623-8411 ext. 502
October 28, 2011
Pensacola, FL
Susan Guillory
October 29, 2011
Charlotte County, FL
Carrie Meo-Omens
727-398-6661 ext. 4711
*October 2011
Louisville, KY
Todd Dedas
*October 2011
Grand Forks, ND
Diana Hall
*October 2011
Rapid City, SD
Linda Chlecq
605-347-7000 ext. 97379
October/November 2011
Augusta, ME
Susan Whittington
207-623-8411 ext. 4344
November 4, 2011
Columbia, SC
Rebecca H. Barnette
803-776-4000 ext. 7695
November 5, 2011
Manatee County, FL
Carrie Meo-Omens
727-398-6661 ext. 4711
November 9, 2011
Salem, VA
Debra Swain Elliotte
540-982-2463 ext. 2520
November 10, 2001
San Antonio, TX
Jerry Rangel
November 10, 2011
San Francisco, CA
Michael Martin
November 10, 2011
Reidsville, NC
Bob Williamson
919-286-0411 ext. 6045
November 10, 2011
Fort Collins, CO
Vanessa Stapert
November 16, 2011
Fort Worth, TX
Linda Saucedo
November 17, 2011
Shreveport, LA
Margaret Griffing
November 19, 2011
Amarillo, TX
Ginny Sartini
806-355-9703 ext. 7522
*November 2011
Chicago, IL
William Baxter
*November 2011
Missoula, MT
Anthony Snell
Fall 2011
Pinellas County, FL
Carrie Meo-Omens
727-398-6661 ext. 4711
Janurary 2012
Waco, TX
Paula Wood
Cocoa, FL
Heather Gallager
Denver, CO
Nicole Vaccavo
303-399-8020 ext. 3151
Omaha, NE
Linda Twomey
Lincoln, NE
Linda Twomey
Grand Island, ND
Linda Twomey
Collier County, FL
Carrie Meo-Omens
727-398-6661 ext. 4711
Native American Tribal Land
Diana Hall
Lee County, FL
Carrie Meo-Omens
727-398-6661 ext. 4711
* Indicates event planned for that month, exact date not determined. TBD stand down planned, date not yet determined. For additional information on Stand Down dates and locations, please contact the Homeless Veterans Programs Office at (202) 461-1857.
Upcoming Changes to The Post-9/11 GI-Bill
The Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2010 was recently signed into law. This page lists changes to the GI Bill made by this law.
Effective August 1, 2009, but not payable until October 1, 2011
- Expands the Post-9/11 GI Bill to include Active Service performed by National Guard members under title 32 U.S.C. for the purpose of organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, or training the National Guard; or under section 502(f) for the purpose of responding to a national emergency.
Effective March 5, 2011
- Limits active duty members to the net cost for tuition and fees prorated based on the eligibility tiers (40%-100%) previously established for Veterans.
- Same limitations apply to transferee spouses of active duty servicemembers
Effective August 1, 2011
- For Veterans and their transferees - simplifies the tuition and fee rates for those attending a public school and creates a national maximum for those enrolled in a private or foreign school
- Pays all public school in-state tuition and fees;
- Private and foreign school costs are capped at $17,500 annually;
- The Yellow Ribbon Program still exists for out-of-state fees and costs above the cap.
- For Active Duty Members and their transferees - creates a national rate for those active duty members enrolled in a private or foreign school pursuing a degree
- Pays all public school in-state tuition and fees;
- Private and foreign school costs are capped at $17,500 per academic year (an academic year begins August 1)
- Allows VA to pay MGIB (chapter 30) and MGIB-SR (chapter 1606) ‘kickers’, or college fund payments, on a monthly basis instead of a lump sum at the beginning of the term
- Prorates housing allowance by the student’s rate of pursuit (rounded to the nearest tenth)
- A student training at a rate of pursuit of 75% would receive 80% of the BAH rate
- Break or interval pay is no longer payable under any VA education benefit program unless under an Executive Order of the President or due to an emergency, such as a natural disaster or strike.
- This means that when your semester ends (e.g. December 15th), your housing allowance is paid for the first 15 days of December only and begins again when your next semester begins (e.g. January 10th) and is paid for the remaining days of January.
- Students using other VA education programs are included in this change. Monthly benefits will be pro-rated in the same manner.
- Entitlement that previously would have been used for break pay will be available for use during a future enrollment.
- Allows reimbursement for more than one “license or certification” test (previously only one test was allowed).
- However, entitlement is now charged
- Allows reimbursement of fees paid to take national exams used for admission to an institution of higher learning (e.g., SAT, ACT, GMAT, LSAT)
- Allows those who are eligible for both Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (chapter 31) benefits and Post-9/11 GI Bill (chapter 33) benefits to choose the Post-9/11 GI Bill’s monthly housing allowance instead of the chapter 31 subsistence allowance.
- NOAA and PHS personnel are now eligible to transfer their entitlement to eligible dependents
Effective October 1, 2011
- Allows students to use the Post-9/11 GI Bill for -
- Non-college degree (NCD) programs: Non-college degree (NCD) programs offered at non-degree granting schools: Pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees or $17,500, whichever is less. Also pays up to $83 per month for books and supplies.
- On-the-job and apprenticeship training: Pays a monthly benefit amount prorated based on time in program and up to $83 per month for books and supplies.
- Flight programs: Per academic year, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $10,000, whichever is less.
- Correspondence training: Per academic year, pays the actual net costs for in-state tuition and fees assessed by the school or $8,500, whichever is less.
- Housing allowance is now payable to students (other than those on active duty) enrolled solely in distance learning. The housing allowance payable is equal to ½ the national average BAH for an E-5 with dependents.
- The full-time rate for an individual eligible at the 100% eligibility tier would be $673.50 for 2011.
- Allows students on active duty to receive a books and supplies stipend.
For changes that affect schools click here.
More information is forthcoming, please check back or view our Frequently Asked Questions for more information. You can subscribe for updates to the Frequently Asked Questions and will receive an email when changes are posted. Click here to view our FAQ on these changes.
Asteroid Caught Marching Across Tadpole Nebula
This infrared image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE, showcases the Tadpole Nebula, a star-forming hub in the Auriga constellation about 12,000 light-years from Earth. As WISE scanned the sky, capturing this mosaic of stitched-together frames, it happened to catch an asteroid in our solar system passing by. The asteroid, called 1719 Jens, left tracks across the image. A second asteroid was also observed cruising by.
But that's not all that WISE caught in this busy image -- two natural satellites orbiting above WISE streak through the image, appearing as faint green trails. This Tadpole region is chock full of stars as young as only a million years old -- infants in stellar terms -- and masses over 10 times that of our sun. It is called the Tadpole nebula because the masses of hot, young stars are blasting out ultraviolet radiation that has etched the gas into two tadpole-shaped pillars, called Sim 129 and Sim 130. These "tadpoles" appear as the yellow squiggles near the center of the frame. The knotted regions at their heads are likely to contain new young stars. WISE's infrared vision is helping to ferret out hidden stars such as these.
The 1719 Jens asteroid, discovered in 1950, orbits in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The space rock, which has a diameter of 19 kilometers (12 miles), rotates every 5.9 hours and orbits the sun every 4.3 years.
Twenty-five frames of the region, taken at all four of the wavelengths detected by WISE, were combined into this one image. The space telescope caught 1719 Jens in 11 successive frames. Infrared light of 3.4 microns is color-coded blue: 4.6-micron light is cyan; 12-micron-light is green; and 22-micron light is red.
WISE is an all-sky survey, snapping pictures of the whole sky, including everything from asteroids to stars to powerful, distant galaxies.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA
By Karen Parrish
American Forces Press ServiceWASHINGTON, Sept. 24, 2011 – Brooke Toner was 28 years old the day she heard the knock on her door.
Brooke Toner, wife of Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV, addresses audience members after being presented the Silver Star in honor of her husband at the at the U.S. Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C., Sept. 23, 2011. DOD photo by U.S. Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Chad J. McNeeleyThat knock brought the news every military spouse dreads: for Brooke, it meant her husband of less than three years was never coming home.
“It was the worst day of my life,” she told the capacity crowd gathered at the Navy Memorial here yesterday for the award ceremony honoring her husband, Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV.
Toner died in Afghanistan while defending fellow service members from an enemy who had infiltrated the Afghan National Army. The Americans were unarmed and on a physical training run when the gunman started shooting. Toner accosted the man and bought time for another service member to seek help.
After Brooke accepted her husband’s posthumous Silver Star from Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she told American Forces Press Service how she felt about the event, and how her life has changed since that knock on the door in 2009.
Surrounded by hundreds of friends, family, and ‘Frankie’ Toner’s fellow sailors, she said, “I’m just so proud of my husband. It’s as simple as that. I’m just proud that he’s a man who lived the way he did, who loved
That knock brought the news every military spouse dreads: for Brooke, it meant her husband of less than three years was never coming home.
“It was the worst day of my life,” she told the capacity crowd gathered at the Navy Memorial here yesterday for the award ceremony honoring her husband, Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV.
Toner died in Afghanistan while defending fellow service members from an enemy who had infiltrated the Afghan National Army. The Americans were unarmed and on a physical training run when the gunman started shooting. Toner accosted the man and bought time for another service member to seek help.
After Brooke accepted her husband’s posthumous Silver Star from Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she told American Forces Press Service how she felt about the event, and how her life has changed since that knock on the door in 2009.
Surrounded by hundreds of friends, family, and ‘Frankie’ Toner’s fellow sailors, she said, “I’m just so proud of my husband. It’s as simple as that. I’m just proud that he’s a man who lived the way he did, who loved
That knock brought the news every military spouse dreads: for Brooke, it meant her husband of less than three years was never coming home.
“It was the worst day of my life,” she told the capacity crowd gathered at the Navy Memorial here yesterday for the award ceremony honoring her husband, Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV.
Toner died in Afghanistan while defending fellow service members from an enemy who had infiltrated the Afghan National Army. The Americans were unarmed and on a physical training run when the gunman started shooting. Toner accosted the man and bought time for another service member to seek help.
After Brooke accepted her husband’s posthumous Silver Star from Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she told American Forces Press Service how she felt about the event, and how her life has changed since that knock on the door in 2009.
Surrounded by hundreds of friends, family, and ‘Frankie’ Toner’s fellow sailors, she said, “I’m just so proud of my husband. It’s as simple as that. I’m just proud that he’s a man who lived the way he did, who loved
That knock brought the news every military spouse dreads: for Brooke, it meant her husband of less than three years was never coming home.
“It was the worst day of my life,” she told the capacity crowd gathered at the Navy Memorial here yesterday for the award ceremony honoring her husband, Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV.
Toner died in Afghanistan while defending fellow service members from an enemy who had infiltrated the Afghan National Army. The Americans were unarmed and on a physical training run when the gunman started shooting. Toner accosted the man and bought time for another service member to seek help.
After Brooke accepted her husband’s posthumous Silver Star from Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she told American Forces Press Service how she felt about the event, and how her life has changed since that knock on the door in 2009.
Surrounded by hundreds of friends, family, and ‘Frankie’ Toner’s fellow sailors, she said, “I’m just so proud of my husband. It’s as simple as that. I’m just proud that he’s a man who lived the way he did, who loved
That knock brought the news every military spouse dreads: for Brooke, it meant her husband of less than three years was never coming home.
“It was the worst day of my life,” she told the capacity crowd gathered at the Navy Memorial here yesterday for the award ceremony honoring her husband, Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV.
Toner died in Afghanistan while defending fellow service members from an enemy who had infiltrated the Afghan National Army. The Americans were unarmed and on a physical training run when the gunman started shooting. Toner accosted the man and bought time for another service member to seek help.
After Brooke accepted her husband’s posthumous Silver Star from Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she told American Forces Press Service how she felt about the event, and how her life has changed since that knock on the door in 2009.
Surrounded by hundreds of friends, family, and ‘Frankie’ Toner’s fellow sailors, she said, “I’m just so proud of my husband. It’s as simple as that. I’m just proud that he’s a man who lived the way he did, who loved
That knock brought the news every military spouse dreads: for Brooke, it meant her husband of less than three years was never coming home.
“It was the worst day of my life,” she told the capacity crowd gathered at the Navy Memorial here yesterday for the award ceremony honoring her husband, Navy Lt. j.g. Francis L. Toner IV.
Toner died in Afghanistan while defending fellow service members from an enemy who had infiltrated the Afghan National Army. The Americans were unarmed and on a physical training run when the gunman started shooting. Toner accosted the man and bought time for another service member to seek help.
After Brooke accepted her husband’s posthumous Silver Star from Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, she told American Forces Press Service how she felt about the event, and how her life has changed since that knock on the door in 2009.
Surrounded by hundreds of friends, family, and ‘Frankie’ Toner’s fellow sailors, she said, “I’m just so proud of my husband. It’s as simple as that. I’m just proud that he’s a man who lived the way he did, who loved me the way that he did, just who he was as a person.”
Toner was a great friend, brother, support system to others and a Navy officer, she said.
“He was just so incredible,” she added.
Their first date was six years to the day before he was killed March 27, 2009, she said.
“I knew him for seven months before that; we started dating in 2003, and we were married in 2006,” she said. “We were married for two years, seven months, eight days.”..
Go read more about this incredible woman here.
Video: Soldiers, Don't Give the Enemy Information
The IDF’s information security department releases a new video which provides guidelines for safe behavior online.9/27/2011 By Elad Benari & Yoni Kempinski
The IDF’s information security department has released a new training video to soldiers which provides guidelines for safe behavior online so as not to reveal military information to the enemy.
The video is part of a campaign the IDF has been conducting in the Israeli media to warn soldiers of the dangers of not being careful when surfing the internet.The IDF is concerned that Israel’s enemies are using the internet to gather information about Israel and its military.
Intelligence sources have noted that Hizbullah terrorists are becoming increasingly computer savvy, using Facebook to learn more about IDF soldiers, potential targets for kidnappings.
The IDF is also concerned that soldiers may unwittingly give the enemy information through social networking sites or even arrange to meet an internet companion who is in fact a terrorist. The army recently published strict guidelines regarding the use by IDF officers and soldiers of social networks such as Facebook....
There is more, plus the video (which is less than one minute long, but I can't seem to download) here.
Dick Cheney's Vancouver visit sparks protest
Vancouver protesters call Cheney a 'war criminal'
Last Updated: Sep 27, 2011 3:13 AM PTProtesters clashed with police Monday night outside a private club in downtown Vancouver where former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney was promoting his new book.
As a crowd of about 150 chanted, "Shame. Shame on you" at guests entering the Vancouver Club, a line of police pushed back protesters who tried to surge against the club's front door.
Some police officers later donned riot gear, including body armour, masked helmets and Plexiglas shields, but by that time, guests had already entered the venue....
Read the rest here, if you must, and look at the pics.
Dick Cheney talk to spur Vancouver protest
CBC News
Posted: Sep 26, 2011
Protesters are vowing to gather outside a private club in downtown Vancouver this evening when former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney arrives to promote his new book.
Cheney is slated to speak at the sold-out $500 per seat event as part of a promotion of his book In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir.
The protest organizers with Stopwar.ca are demanding Canada arrest Cheney for war crimes because of his controversial support for the use of waterboarding, sleep deprivation and other methods to interrogate prisoners in the U.S.'s war against terrorism.
But Leah Costello, who heads up the Bon Mot Book Club that's organized the event, said it's disappointing anybody would want to prevent Cheney from speaking.
Vancouver protesters are vowing to gather outside a private club in Vancouver Monday night where former U.S. vice president Dick Cheney is slated to speak about his memoir: In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir, which covers his 40-year career in American politics. Simon & Schuster"What is important is that he is able to speak and free to speak and people are free to hear him," said Costello.
"The most important thing in our club is that we're not endorsing or not endorsing the speakers we bring in. We bring them in for the point of debate and discussion," she said....
[...]"What is important is that he is able to speak and free to speak and people are free to hear him,..."[...]
Researchers develop IED detecting laser
Published 26 September 2011Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have proven to be the deadliest threat to allied troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, but researchers have developed a laser beam that could help neutralize these dangerous weapons
A team from Michigan State University has createda laser beam that can “sense” where bombs are by making molecules vibrate. The researchers say that each molecule vibrates with a unique frequency, so when the laser hits an IED it could determine if it is an explosive based on its frequency.Dr. Marcos Dantus, the lead developer of the laser detector, explained that detecting IEDs has proven to be particularly challenging due to the chemical compounds present in the environment that mask the bomb’s molecular makeup.
Having molecular structure sensitivity is critical for identifying explosives and avoiding unnecessary evacuation of buildings and closing roads due to false alarms,” he said.
With the laser, troops can use it to analyze the chemical composition of an object from a safe distance. The beam combines short pulses that “kick” the molecules to make them vibrate with longer pulses...
A very interesting article.
Go read the rest of it here.
Royal Navy's 'eye in the sky' home from Libya mission
A Military Operations news article
26 Sep 11Royal Navy personnel, who by using Sea King Airborne Surveillance and Control helicopters helped Army Air Corps (AAC) Apache helicopter launch strikes against Gaddafi's forces in Libya, have returned home from operations.
A Sea King from 857 Naval Air Squadron on the deck of HMS Ocean during Op ELLAMY
[Picture: Leading Airman (Photographer) Guy Pool, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011]
Nearly 50 members of 857 Naval Air Squadron touched down at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose in Cornwall on Friday, 23 September 2011, after four months away, flying over Libya in support of NATO operations enforcing United Nation Security Council Resolution 1973.
Using two Mark 7 Sea King Airborne Surveillance and Control helicopters, crews flew almost 100 operational sorties over Libya - all at night and usually lasting around three hours. In one month alone, the helicopters were airborne for nearly 150 hours.
The squadron only returned from Afghanistan in December 2010, where it proved its utility in large drugs busts and surveillance missions.... (more here)
RAF Typhoons return from Libya operations
A Military Operations news article
26 Sep 11
After six months and one day supporting the UK mission over Libya as part of Operation ELLAMY, RAF Typhoons have left Gioia del Colle in Italy and returned to the UK.
The last four Royal Air Force FGR4 Typhoons left the Italian '36 Stormo' air base at Gioia del Colle in Southern Italy after completing a successful deployment
[Picture: Cpl Pete Devine, Crown Copyright/MOD 2011]
The return of the aircraft is part of the strategy to optimise the air contribution to the current and future campaign which the RAF continues to fully support with 16 Tornado GR4s.
Typhoon missions over Libya have taken place 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, in all weathers, since the operation began in March 2011 and the Typhoon Squadrons have clocked up over 3,000 flying hours.
Officer Commanding 906 Expeditionary Air Wing, Group Captain Squires, commented on the Typhoon's vital contribution to the operation:
"The Typhoon's contribution to enforcing the UN Resolution to protect the Libyan civilians has been immense....(more here)
Both stories from the MoD, of course.
Well done, lads! Thank you.
The date 9/11 is seared forever in the memory of most Americans. On that date in 2001, hijacked airliners crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and a field in Shanksville, Pa., killing nearly 3,000 people. In the midst of that tragedy, many heroes emerged. Perhaps the most courageous were the first responders – fire, police and EMS technicians – who raced to the scenes to try to rescue as many people as possible.
As we approached the 10th anniversary of 9/11, GM commissioned the next vehicle in a series honoring American heroes. World-renowned airbrush artist Mickey Harris and a crew of specialists took on the task of commemorating those first responders who gave their lives while trying to save others.
Maurice Rogers, Greg Fodness and Mickey Harris (l-to-r) alongside the First Responder Tribute Chevrolet Silverado at Ground Zero in New York
The First Responder Chevrolet is the result of more than four months of work by Mickey and his support team. They created a vehicle that tells the story of what happened that day and pays tribute to the brave men and women who paid the ultimate price for their dedication to duty...
OED definition of amoral:having no moral sense; unconcerned with right or wrong
OED definition of parasite:
an organism which lives in or on another organism and benefits at the other’s expense. 2 derogatory a person who lives off or exploits others.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Michael has NO shame. NONE.
Yon is not only a disgrace to the human race, he IS a menace to our troops. On a day when I choose to honour a very special fallen hero, Sgt Patrick Tainsh; on a day when I choose to share the great things our troops do every.single.day, what does Yon do? He posts war porn. To be exact, he posts a LiveLeak video of a soldier as that soldier is wounded. I will NOT watch it, but I gather there is graphic audio and all.
WTF? As my regular readers know, War on Terror News has been researching and publishing a series of columns examining the ethics (or actually the glaring lack of same) and modus operandi of Yon. Scroll down my sidebar and you'll find them here. If you have been reading along, you will have found the FACTS - the truth - about Yon, which still many of his FaceBook fans refuse to recognise. I was not going to write about Yon until WOTN had finished their series. Yes, WOTN has more to come, but today I am so outraged, I could hold off no longer.
In the past, I have written about media "personalities" who have stepped over the line of decency, and printed pictures of Marines dying, and who basically use our troops to boost their own egos(and public accolades.) In Yon's case, he struts - and stomps - on the backs our troops to finance his escapades (foot massages in Thailand, anyone?) All the while, his mindless sycophants send him $, and ' oooh' and 'aaaahh' at his supposed insightfulness (oh yeah, and integrity)as he 'supports the troops.' They slobber all over him in gratitude because he DARES to share what others will not....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
To Michael Yon: "Money talks, Bulls*** walks."
To hear Michael Yon tell it, he is the only credible source on the GWOT. To read him, you would think he is the only one who has the ear of General Petraeus et al. HE has 'sources.' MY's fans are constantly reminded that he has 'been there, done that, (donate now),' and that any and all of the 'milkooks' - as he calls them - should be ignored. These 'milkooks' are predominantly actual veterans and career soldiers, but according to MY, they have zero credibility.
Today, one of those 'milkooks' has a message for MY, and it is your must read of today...
A Little Perspective Is In Order
September 26, 2011
[...]PTSD is not limited to military personnel. People that survive horrible car crashes can suffer from PTSD. The survivors from the 9/11 terrorist attacks probably suffer from it. Someone that is robbed at gunpoint or raped is prone to it. I have no doubt that there is an element of it present at mortuaries where people are constantly subjected to bodies that suffered grizzly and inhumane deaths or are in various stages of decay. In other words, it’s a common reaction by people to a particular stressor in life and people react to it in different ways.
[...]I recently read a story where a supposed “writer” was talking about the death of a Soldier. The unit the “writer” is embedded with has suffered many casualties during their deployment, which ends soon. I have friends in that unit that have expressed disgust with how this “writer” has completely disrespected their last two memorial ceremonies by getting in everyone’s faces and taking photos. While people were talking or grieving, he’d walk around taking photos, the audible “click, click, click” of his camera disrupting the services.
In this piece I read, the “writer” explained in dramatic and gory detail exactly how this Soldier had died – lying face down in the dirt, missing his arms and legs. When asked if he was okay, the Soldier responded affirmatively – either recognizing that he was about to die and didn’t want to worry his fellow troops or not realizing the gravity of his situation due to shock.
I took great disgust in this hit piece on the integrity and honor of this Soldier’s sacrifice being laid out in such gory detail for the world to see. But, it’s not the casual reader I care about. What bothers me is that this young Soldier has a family. He has a mother and father that one day will read this account and realize that their son died a painful and horrible death, face down in the dirt! It’s unconscionable that a responsible “writer” with a supposed military background would publish such details....
There is much more here, and it IS a MUST READ as CJ covers a myriad of topics which - in my opinion - clearly, and objectively, demonstrate what a menace Yon is to our troops.
CJ's column also has some timely - and timeless - legal advice for all the Yonbots, who are part of the Yon braying chorus of jackasses who comment/opine on issues and men they have no clue about.
Ignorance may be bliss, but it can also be very costly, in many, many ways.I repeat: Yon should NOT BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE near our troops!