If it's Monday, Run for the Fallen must be in Longton, KS.
Since June 14, 2008, Flag Day, a dedicated team of runners has been running across America from Fort Irwin, CA to Arlington National Cemetery, one mile for every Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, and Marine killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom. For ten weeks, team members are marking each mile with an American flag and signcard in an apolitical reflection of remembrance of each service member.
The run is a living memorial for every one of our fallen heroes. This is an opportunity for all Americans to get involved in honouring every single hero killed in the War on Terror.
On the "Run for the Fallen" site, you can track the progress of this historical event, and see when they are coming to a community in your area. There are a number of ways you can be involved. Today, the run is scheduled to be over 64 miles. At the end of each long day, the runners are laying their heads wherever locals will open their doors and take them in. If you have spare room,(even if you don't!) why not invite these intrepid runners in for the night? If that's not possible for you, check their site, and show up on the route to show your support. These runners are doing this for all of us, since not all of us can be running anywhere, let alone across the country.
If you can't be on the route to encourage our runners, you might be able to donate $$. Maybe you can plan to be in DC on August 24, when the Run for the Fallen arrives at Arlington.
Our fallen heroes, and their families have given their all. Mike Stokely, Patrick Tainsh, Eddie Jeffers, Dusty Lee, Donald May, Kory and Cooper Weins, Michael Quinn, Aaron Jagger; just a handful of the fallen heroes who are being honoured on this run.
These men and women served their country, are part of America's history. To see how YOU can help in making history, check out the "Run for the Fallen" site. I gaurantee there is some way for you to contribute. Go here to check it out.
Stay tuned for updates here.
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