Their first dance will be "as touching as it is awkward because neither of us are dancers," jokes Ngo, 28, of her fiance, 28.
From my inbox comes this request:
Go read the stories about this couple who so deserve their dream wedding. (Here) Then vote, please. Be sure you do the final "submit vote" step. We can do this!
Thank you...
Van Ngo & Eric Oberly
Alexandria, VA
From my inbox comes this request:
A good friend of mine, Van Ngo, has recently made it through the deployment of her fiance. She was always there when I needed her throughout Jacob's hospitalization as well. Now, she and her fiance Eric are finalists in the US Weekly/ Dream Wedding Contest and they are the only military couple in the running. They are both very deserving of this and if there is any way to help get the word out about the opportunity for people to vote for them in this contest, I would love to help them. ... but I figured I would just try and let as many people know as I could. I know we can all use some happy news once in awhile too!
Voting is unlimited and will continue through June 19th at this website:
Thanks so much,
Go read the stories about this couple who so deserve their dream wedding. (Here) Then vote, please. Be sure you do the final "submit vote" step. We can do this!
Thank you...
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