December 29th, 2008 by CJ
Free Songs For Troops and the Army have teamed up to provide free music downloads to the troops. To get two free downloads of your choosing, simple visit the "Send A Song" Billboard site and register using a .mil email account. A code will be sent to that email that you can use to download any two songs from their site. I've already tested it and gotten my two songs (All-American Rejects - Gives You Hell & Hinder - Without You). Now go get yours. But hurry, this offer ends December 31st!!
And then there is THIS (NB: prepare to be royally ****** off!)
Terrorist Attack Kills 14 Children On Last Day Of School
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.” - Isaiah 6:8
Why would I start with a Biblical quote? First of all, to annoy hippies. Second, because we need to send all of us into Afghanistan, peform a “hands across the desert”, and purge Afghanistan of every Taliban and AQ terrorist we can find. I’m not talking purging in the detention facility or Gitmo sense. I’m talking shoot on sight. Just kill them all. This has got to stop:
A single-file line of school children walked past a military checkpoint Sunday as a bomb-loaded truck veered toward them and exploded, ending the lives of 14 young Afghans in a heartbreaking flash captured by a U.S. military security camera. The video shows an SUV slowly weaving through sandbag barriers at a military checkpoint just as a line of school children, most wearing white caps, comes into view.
This sickens me to the core. These people are barbarians and yet the extreme left in this country want us to bend over backwards to protect their “rights”. These people don’t deserve rights. These people don’t deserve life. These are the kinds of circumstances for which torture should not be authorized, but actively and publicly encouraged. Perhaps watching their fellow AQ and Taliban prisoners getting their fingernails pulled off one by one or hot pokers stuck through their eyeballs will convince the rest of them to keep their destructive tendencies aimed at people who can defend themselves. But, I know that it wouldn’t be terrorism if they did that.
To read the rest of this one (and yes, there is video) go here.
Thank you, CJ!
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