One Canadian Soldier Killed By Improvised Explosive DeviceCEFCOM NR – 10.006 - April 11, 2010
OTTAWA — One Canadian soldier was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a dismounted security patrol in Dand district at approximately 7:30 a.m. Kandahar time on 11 April 2010. The incident occurred in the vicinity of Belanday, Dand district, approximately eight-kilometres southwest of Kandahar City.
Killed in action was Private Tyler William Todd from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, based in Edmonton, Alberta. He was serving as a member with Task Force 3-09 Battle Group.
At this sad time, our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of our fallen Canadian comrade. The commitment and sacrifice of our soldiers and their loved ones are helping to make a difference in the lives of the people of Kandahar Province....
Members of Joint Task Force Afghanistan work with soldiers and police of the Afghan National Security Forces to improve security and build a better future for Afghans. Canada remains committed to bringing peace, stability and good governance to Afghanistan.
(DND here)
More on Private Todd here:
Todd hailed from Kitchener, Ontario and served with the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, based at CFB Edmonton.Brigadier-General Menard, the Canadian Contingent Commander, described Private Todd as someone who was dedicated and likeable with a good sense of humor.
"Tyler was a practical joker. He would often hide rocks and candies in the other soldiers' beds. His enthusiasm and strong will were an inspiration to his platoon. He was doing what he loved to do, being a soldier operating alongside his friends," Brigadier General Menard said".
Prime Minister Harper's Statement
"The thoughts of an entire country are with you in this most difficult time. I also hope for the quick and full recovery of the other Canadian soldier injured in the same incident," he said in a statement.
"Canada is grateful for Private Tyler William Todd's sacrifice. We are all saddened by this loss."(here)
More from Big-General Menard about Private Todd:
Menard paid tribute to Todd, saying he died doing a job he loved with his best friends.
"He never allowed the small things to get to him and was often the rock upon which his comrades depended," Menard said. "His enthusiasm and strong will was an inspiration to his platoon." (here)
Canada IS - and will remain - ever grateful to Private Todd and his family. My heart and prayers for all who love this young hero.
Once again, we will proudly stand along the Highway of Heroes to welcome home and thank Pvt. Tyler Todd, our 142nd soldier to give his life in the name of our country and freedom in Afghanistan.
Please know that we will never forget, and we thank you and your family for their sacrifice, and will honor you by enjoying our freedoms that you and thousands more have given us, never to be forgotten, that true freedom comes sometimes at a very high cost.
I am soo sorry for your loss,
I know how it feels, i lost my Dad. Mcpl Allan Stewart, April 11th 2007.Based in Petawawa.
You were a true hero Tyler William Todd. ! you will always be a HERO !. my thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends at this time.. lots of love from Brittany and my sister Sarah (12) and My mom Christa Stewart !
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