Wednesday, November 20, 2013

WW1 quilt comes home

Another precious artifact makes the long journey home, and what an amazing journey it is.  Read on at The Independent Free Press:

November, 07, 2013

First World War quilt returns … almost 100 years later
By Ted Brown
Staff writer

The year was 1915.

Like the rest of the British Commonwealth, Canada was at war, as countless soldiers were shipped overseas to fight the enemy on the trenched battlefields of Europe.

Back home in Georgetown, various groups were thinking of ways to support those who had signed up and marched off to that faraway war in Europe.

The Georgetown Women’s Institute (WI) decided to create a quilt for those soldiers who had been wounded and were recuperating in hospital in England.

The quilters would never have guessed that nearly 100 years later their labour of love would find its way home.

With war already raging for a year, the WI decided to ‘sell’ space on the quilt, charging everyone 10 cents per name, to have their name embroidered on the quilt.

In an excerpt from The Georgetown Herald’s July 28, 1915 issue, (ironically published one year to the day after war had been declared in Europe), the notice went out to the WI members, asking for help with the quilt.

The excerpt read:...

This really IS a must read vignette of WW1.  Go here. 

Lest we forget the price of freedom paid by so many....

[H/T Jane]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would LOVE to see a picture of this awesome quilt!!