From Canadian Heroes:
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Cpl. Scherrer, Canadian Hero, Repatriated Today
The repatriation of Canada’s latest fatality of the Afghan mission, Cpl. Yannick Scherrer, 24, will take place today, Wednesday, March 30 of 2011.
Cpl. Scherrer is the 155th Canadian Soldier to fall in the Afghan mission overall but the first in 2011. Canada had not suffered a combat loss for more than three months until Sunday.
Cpl. Scherrer was on foot patrol with Afghan forces 15 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City when he was hit with an improvised explosive device at noon on Sunday. He was posted with the 1st battalion, Royal 22nd regiment, also known as the Van Doos.
The military transport returning the remains of Cpl. Yannick Scherrer is scheduled to arrive at CFB Trenton at approximately 2p.m. Wednesday afternoon.
More than 1,000 troops gathered on the tarmac to pay their respects to Cpl. Scherrer with an overnight ramp ceremony as he began his voyage home on Monday from Kandahar Airfeld.
“Our thoughts and deepest condolences go out to Cpl. Sherrer’s family and to the soldiers and friends who served alongside him,” said Brig.-Dean Milner in a statement read at Kandahar Airfield.
Our hearts and thoughts remain with the Scherrer family during this difficult time. We appreciate all that Cpl. Yannick Scherrer has done for our country and for our freedom.
He will be remembered.
Rest in Peace, Corporal.
ALWAYS remembered and honoured.
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