News Release
NR - 09.094 - October 27, 2009
OTTAWA – As the holiday season approaches, many Canadians will be thinking of the troops deployed overseas. Director General Personnel and Family Support Services (DGPFSS) would like to remind the public that even though the military appreciates any show of support, the collection of gift boxes and packages for shipment overseas is not practical.
“Support for our troops has been tremendous over the years, and this year, Canadians again want to know what they can do to help,” said Jim Peverley, Director of Deployment Support at DGPFSS. “We appreciate that Canadians want to share their time and generosity with our troops, but unfortunately, we do not have the capability to send individual donations overseas.”
As the flights that re-supply CF personnel in places like Afghanistan are filled with priority items such as combat supplies, vehicle parts, equipment and mail from families, there is very limited space for any items that are not critical to the mission, including donations from the public.
One easy way for Canadians to show their support is through e-mail messages on the Canadian Forces website (www.forces.gc.ca), using the “Write to the troops” message board. Also, postcards and letters without enclosures which are addressed to “Any CF member” will be accepted, although similarly addressed care packages will not be.
In addition to care packages from family and friends, each CF member deployed on operations over the holiday period will receive a package through DGPFSS’ Operation Santa Claus. These care packages are made possible through the generous donations of companies from across Canada.
Canada Post will be providing free regular parcel service this year for family and friends of deployed military personnel, from 26 October to 15 January 2010. The “Write to the troops” website has mailing guidelines to assist families and friends in preparing their letters and parcels for delivery to CF personnel overseas.
There are many other ways to show support to CF personnel and their families. To learn more, please visit the Director General Personnel and Family Support Services website at www.supportingourtroops.ca.
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For more information, contact DGPFSS Public Affairs Officer SLt Greg Menzies, at (613) 996-4620 or greg.menzies@forces.gc.ca
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