I heard the following story VERY early this morning, and the irony of timing made me gasp! When we have The Religion of Death (oops, I mean the Religion of Peace) killing all the infidels world wide, and London - yes! MY london! - being demolished from the inside out by the Pro-Religion of Death support 'rallies', comes this from a bunch of atheists:
'No God' campaign draws complaint
An atheist campaign claiming "There's probably no God" has been reported to the advertising regulator.
Posters with the slogan appear on 800 buses in England, Scotland and Wales, as well as on the London Underground.
But organisation Christian Voice has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority saying they break rules on substantiation and truthfulness.
The British Humanist Association, which backed the campaign, said it was not taking the complaint seriously.
There is plenty of evidence for God, from people's personal experience, to the complexity, interdependence, beauty and design of the natural world
Stephen Green
Christian VoiceThe ASA's code states "marketers must hold documentary evidence to prove all claims". The regulator said it would assess the complaint and decide whether to contact the advertiser.
'Peals of laughter'
The adverts contain the slogan: "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
But Stephen Green, national director of Christian Voice, said: "There is plenty of evidence for God, from people's personal experience, to the complexity, interdependence, beauty and design of the natural world. (BBC here)
It appears from the Beeb report that this campaign was the "brainchild" of a comedian. Oh, really? Not sure that any of the innocents around the world, being killed in the name of various gods, would appreciate the comedy in this campaign. I don't think it funny, either. BUT I do marvel at the irony, that in England, MY England, where islam supporters are compling lists of Jews to target, and rampaging around neighbourhoods of London I know and love, trying to silence any infidels who dare call a terrorist what they ARE, we still have enough freedom of speech (for now) to foist THIS notion on commuters.
Who was it said something like: We won't have to invade the west. They will destroy themselves from within???
To quote one of my all-time favourite songs:
"Hello God. Are you out there? Are you listening anymore?"
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