Families of troops in Afghanistan want Americans to remember 'there is still a war going on'
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
As the last U.S. troops trickle home from Iraq, military families throughout West Michigan might like to send a reminder to America: There is still another war.
“I think a lot of people have forgotten about Afghanistan, that there is still a war going on,” said Ottawa County resident Jeff Miller.
“There are still people in harm’s way.”
Miller, 50, and his wife, Brenda, 52, have dual reasons for their interest in the war in Afghanistan.
Their daughter, Victoria, 20, is a Marine Corps lance corporal there. Their son, Kyle, 18, is in Marine Corps boot camp and could be headed to Afghanistan as well.
Miller is justifiably proud of their service...
The Global War On Terrorism is NOT over, no matter what Biden or Obama would like Americans to believe. We STILL have our Troops serving in harm's way.
Go read the rest of this here.
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