That is the official flyer of an incredible weekend in May that the Combat Warrior Crisis Network and The Independence Fund are hosting. Happening 14 - 17 May, this Independence Ride is CWCN's way of giving back to some of our bravest warriors.
Some information (since I can't figure out how to improve the quality on that flyer):
The Independence Fund and Combat Warrior Crisis Network are working together to bring about 250 wounded soldiers from all over the country to Pensacola. We have DOD and VA support.
Take a look at this video and see some of the great work these groups do for our wounded warriors:
I don't need to tell any of you that these events, this work on behalf of our wounded warriors, takes money - LOTS of $ for plane fares, lodging, food, etc etc.
This is where you come in. PLEASE, for the price of just one day's worth of lattes or whatever you can afford, you can help these guys. They need YOUR donation to make this year's Independence Ride happen.
Go to the Combat Warriors Crisis Network's site here, and check out their programmes such as Take A Soldier Fishing. Then donate. They have PayPal to make it really easy for you to get involved and tell our warriors that you care. The PayPal link is on this page here.
The founder of the Combat Warriors Crisis Network is Mike Nashif. Active duty soldier, he is also on FaceBook. If you have any questions, you can either go to their website, or find Mike on FaceBook.(hint: he is on a certain brat's "friends" list...lol)
The Combat Warriors Crisis Network is a 501c(3) registered group, so every dime you give them goes to their programmes.
Their site says:Who is Combat Warrior Crisis Network?
CWCN is a Faith Based 501 (c) 3, non- profit public charity and Ministry, an Affiliate Subordinate Ministry of Chaplain Fellowship Ministries Inc. Intl. Our focus is to provide the Armed Forces with an alternate view or means to assist the healing process after a combat related injury.Our Mission Statement:
We strive to show that there are people out there that care, and want to help. There are resources in both the public and military communities, many armed forces members are not aware that exist. One of the programs we offer is Take a Soldier Fishing.
Our organization focuses on the ever growing need to support the service members AND their spouses before, during, and after deployments. Fishing and the outdoors are our main focus for support and assisting our participants in learning positive tools to assist with stress. (here)
Check out Take A Soldier Fishing here, too.
Another way you can help financially? By buying an event t-shirt from The Independence Fund. The t-shirt picture is at the top of this post. And where do you buy these great t-shirts for this event? Right here, of course, on The Independence Fund's site! When you have donated, be sure and read all about this event, and The Independence Fund while you are there!
We all know heroes that we see on a daily basis. Now, we have an opportunity to make sure that "The Heroes are coming" to Pensacola for an unforgettable weekend.
I have given you a few options for ways to donate whatever you can afford. Let's get 'er done!
Thank you.
*THIS just in: I hear that Michael Darwin's Theory is booked to play on the Friday night...Yeeehaaa! You do remember their "I Believe in America" track, don't you? Good times!!!*
OK, I am about to send this out to MY list, I hope it does some good too, and I'll Bcc you so you can see what was said...
on my way!
For what it's worth, I'll post this on twitter and multiply, etc...
Texas Fred pointed me over here - I can't help financially right now, but I will help spread the word and keep the endeavors in prayer.
Spreading the word, and prayers are ALWAYS good. Thank YOU!
I will post this some time this week. I am hoping to get the puter fixed by Friday.
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